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Performance Profiling

MyCoder includes a performance profiling feature that helps you understand startup times and identify potential bottlenecks. This is particularly useful for diagnosing performance differences between operating systems or environments.

Enabling Profiling

You can enable performance profiling in two ways:

1. For a Single Session

Use the --profile flag with any MyCoder command:

# Enable profiling for a specific command
mycoder --profile "Fix the build errors"

# Or with other commands
mycoder --profile --interactive

2. As Default Behavior

Set profiling as the default behavior in your configuration file:

// mycoder.config.js
export default {
profile: true,

Understanding Profiling Output

When profiling is enabled, MyCoder will output detailed timing information at the beginning of each session:

📊 Performance Profile:
Module initialization: 10.12ms (10.12ms)
After imports: 150.34ms (140.22ms)
Main function start: 269.99ms (119.65ms)
After dotenv config: 270.10ms (0.11ms)
After Sentry init: 297.57ms (27.48ms)
Before package.json load: 297.57ms (0.00ms)
After package.json load: 297.78ms (0.21ms)
Before yargs setup: 297.78ms (0.00ms)
After yargs setup: 401.45ms (103.67ms)
Total startup time: 401.45ms

The profiling output shows:

  • Absolute times: The total elapsed time since the start of the process
  • Relative times (in parentheses): The time taken by each specific step

Reporting Performance Issues

If you encounter significant performance problems, please report them on our Discord server with:

  1. Your operating system and version
  2. Node.js version (node --version)
  3. The complete profiling output
  4. Any relevant hardware details (CPU, RAM, disk type)