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macOS Setup

This guide will help you set up MyCoder on macOS.


  1. Homebrew: The recommended package manager for macOS

    Homebrew makes it easy to install and manage development tools on macOS. Installing it first will simplify the rest of the setup process.

    Visit and follow the official installation instructions.

    After installation, verify that Homebrew is working:

    # Verify installation
    brew --version
  2. Node.js: Install Node.js version 20.0.0 or higher

    ⚠️ Important: MyCoder requires Node.js runtime to function properly.

    Recommended: Using NVM (Node Version Manager)

    NVM is the preferred way to install Node.js as it allows for easy version management and avoids permission issues:

    # Install NVM using Homebrew
    brew install nvm

    Follow the shell setup instructions provided by the NVM Homebrew installation output.

    After completing the shell setup:

    # Install latest LTS version of Node.js
    nvm install --lts

    # Set it as default
    nvm use --lts

    # Verify installation
    node --version

    Alternative: Direct Homebrew installation:

    brew install node

    Alternative: Direct download Download from

    Verify installation with node --version

  3. Git: Version control system

    # Install Git using Homebrew
    brew install git

    # Verify installation
    git --version
  4. GitHub CLI: Command-line tool for interacting with GitHub

    # Install GitHub CLI using Homebrew
    brew install gh

    # Verify installation
    gh --version

    # Authenticate with GitHub
    gh auth login

    The GitHub CLI makes it easy to:

    • Create and manage issues
    • Create and review pull requests
    • Clone repositories
    • Manage GitHub workflows

    This is especially useful if you plan to contribute to MyCoder or related projects.

    Enable GitHub Mode in MyCoder:

    After installing the GitHub CLI, enable GitHub mode in MyCoder for enhanced GitHub integration by creating a configuration file:

    // mycoder.config.js
    export default {
    githubMode: true,

    Or by using the CLI option for a single session:

    mycoder --githubMode true "Your prompt here"

    With GitHub mode enabled, MyCoder can create issues, branches, and pull requests directly through the GitHub CLI.


Install MyCoder globally using npm:

npm install -g mycoder

Or use it directly with npx:

npx mycoder "Your prompt here"

Environment Setup

Setting up API keys

  1. Temporary Environment Variables:

    export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-api-key
  2. Persistent Environment Variables:

    • Add to your shell profile file (.zshrc, .bash_profile, or .bashrc):
    echo 'export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-api-key' >> ~/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc
  3. Using .env File:

    • Create a file named .env in your project directory
    • Add your API key: ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-api-key

Browser Integration

MyCoder can use a browser for research. On macOS:

  1. Chrome/Safari: MyCoder works with both browsers automatically
  2. First Run: You may see a browser window open briefly when MyCoder is first run
  3. Headless Mode: By default, browser windows are hidden (use --headless false to show them)


Common Issues

  • Permission Errors: You may need to use sudo for global npm installations
  • Node Version: Ensure you're using Node.js 20+
  • Homebrew Issues: If Homebrew is having problems, try brew doctor

If you encounter any other issues, please check our Discord community for help.